Opening Hours : Mon to Sat - 9am to 9pm / Sun - Closed

Nutrition & Diet


Our dietitian typically begins your initial visit or online consultation at the Diet Clinic with a full holistic evaluation and diagnosis of your health, which includes a mind/body/spirit/lifestyle assessment. The information gathered throughout this process is analysed to make suggestions on healing options and modalities. We review your alternatives and build a tailored recovery plan based on your requirements and preferences during your follow-up visit or online consultation session. The nature and duration of the programme designed determine the number of additional visits or consultations.

Nutrition & Diet

A complete history is collected during the initial visit, which can last up to an hour. Diet, lifestyle, stress, and environmental factors are all investigated. Physical exams, clinical testing, and laboratory diagnostic tests may be done or suggested. A treatment plan typically includes food suggestions, as well as lifestyle changes (such as sleep, exercise, and relaxation practices).

Depth History

Initial Measurements

Analysis of current lifestyle

Nutritional Screening

Goal setting & strategy

Customised diet plan

Commonly Treated Conditions

Due to the comprehensive character of the treatment, Integrative Medicine may cure any specific ailment. The Integrative Medication method may be especially beneficial for chronic diseases that have not responded to traditional medicine. We place a strong emphasis on illness prevention, early intervention, and health promotion. Detailed case studies and appropriate investigations are used to assess health issues. Individualised treatment plans are available.

The conditions commonly treated include those related to:


The good news is that you can achieve your ambition of flaunting that dewy smooth and beautiful complexion with a customised eating plan that especially targets your skin problems.


If you schedule a consultation with one of our experts, we will be able to assist you identify the causes of your skin problems and help you achieve your goal of displaying that dewy soft, youthful radiance.

Hair problems occur when our scalp is weak and the hair roots are also weak.
Mostly in women, hair loss can lower self-esteem, increase stress, and impart considerable psychological distress, all of which can beget additional hair loss or thinning.
Many oral supplements and topical solutions marketed as hair loss treatments are available online and over the counter and claim to produce benefits such as healthy hair and sustained growth. To someone with thinning hair, this may sound enticing, but these supplements aren’t risk-free.
Diet plays an important role in keeping the skin and hair healthy. The foods people eat have an impact on the growth, strength, and volume of their hair.Healthy hair and eating for maximum health go hand in hand. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals from foods that promote hair growth will give you the best chance of avoiding nutrient deficiencies-related hair loss.

Childbirth not only dehydrates and deforms your body, but it also depletes it of nutrients and blood. It’s understandable that you’d like to get back into shape and lose those excess pounds and flab. However, you must recognise that becoming a mother brings about permanent changes in your physical, emotional, and psychological well-being.

Diet can help you lower your cholesterol levels significantly. Although your doctor may prescribe medications to lower your LDL levels, it is important to remember that medication cannot substitute a healthy lifestyle. For cholesterol control, we provide you with Customised Diet Plans based on your body frame (i.e. thin, medium and large), food choices and lifestyle.

PCOD can deteriorate if it is accompanied by obesity or a high BMI. Weight loss is recommended for PCOD patients since it has been proved to be particularly beneficial in treating the ovarian condition. A crash diet is not a long-term option for shedding those extra pounds. It is recommended to get the advice of a qualified dietician who can assist you in achieving long-term weight loss.

The Weight Management Program is created to identify strategies that will result in long-term weight management for obese and thin individuals.This programme has been designed for adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or above or BMI below 18, who want to have a healthier weight.

This plan includes dietary changes,customised recipes, exercise programs and behaviour modifications.

Our goal is to help you adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle.This plan gives a lifestyle approach that can help you maintain a healthy weight for a lifetime.This diet is based on personal preferences.

Diets aren’t just for losing weight. While modifying your diet is one of the most effective strategies to lose weight, it may also serve as a springboard for bettering your habits, paying attention to your health, and leading a more active lifestyle.

If you have kidney disease, kidneys can’t clear waste products as well as they should, it’s critical to watch what you eat and drink if you have renal disease. A kidney-friendly diet can help you stay healthier while also reducing kidney damage.

It accomplishes this by keeping specific minerals from accumulating in your body, which is critical because your kidneys are not as effective at removing waste products from your body as they once were.

A dietitian will assess your existing eating patterns as part of MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapy), develop a healthy eating plan that incorporates your tastes, and assist you in overcoming eating issues.

While a high-quality diet can assist balance hormone function and better manage thyroid disease, it’s important to remember that food cannot cure hypothyroidism. However, eating the correct meals that provide good nutrition, exercising, and taking any medicine that you may have been prescribed can all help to reduce your symptoms.

Your body’s ability to burn calories, nutrients, metabolise, and food sensitivities all play a role in a proper thyroid-controlling diet.

When you have diabetes, nutrition and physical activity are critical components of a balanced lifestyle. Following a nutritious food plan and staying active will help you maintain your blood glucose level, among other things.Getting more active and changing your eating and drinking habits can be difficult at first.
What you eat, how much you eat, and when you eat are all essential factors in maintaining a healthy blood glucose level. The good news is that you can still eat your favourite foods by consulting a dietician and getting a customised diet plan.

A well-balanced diet from an early age helps improve physical and mental development.Every parent methodically arranges for their child’s healthy growth and development, which begins with nutritious meals rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins vital to their development. It’s never easy to plan a diet for children because their metabolism is faster and they can assimilate food more efficiently than an ordinary adult. They also have varied nutritional needs as their bodies develop.Eating healthy foods from a young age will help your child develop self-esteem and control brain chemicals to combat anxiety and despair.

Geriartic diet plan helps to improve their overall quality of life, reduce the need for hospitalisation and nutritional deficiencies and enable them to live disease free for as long as possible. Good nutrition is important no matter what the age is.

Adequate nutrition aids in the maintenance of health and the prevention of chronic diseases, adds to vitality in everyday activities, energy and mood, and aids in the maintenance of functional independence, especially in older people.Nutritional deficiencies are more common in older adults (age 65 and above), and they are more prone to them.

A tailor-made diet plan is more important in this age according to their disease conditions and lifestyle.

The food you eat has a significant impact on the health of your heart.The cornerstones to avoiding and controlling cardiovascular disease include a good diet and lifestyle. It’s not as difficult as you might imagine!The goal is to assist you in keeping your heart safe and living a long and healthy life.

It’s critical to not only create healthy meal plans, but also to understand which foods to avoid if you have heart disease. It has the potential to make a significant difference in your life, and we are here to assist you throughout the process.

If you have liver disease, maintaining strength and a healthy weight requires a well-balanced diet.Some people with liver disease must eat a special diet. This diet helps the liver function and protects it from working too hard.A well-balanced diet can lower your chance of getting various types of liver disease in the future if your liver is healthy. If you consume the correct foods, you can make your liver’s job easier — and yourself healthier.



A 7 days or 14 days detox programme is simply a “clean eating” programme that entails eating significantly more fresh fruits and vegetables in order to assist the body “cleanse” substances.Toxins can come from the environment as well as what we eat.

14 days 14 new recipes with 14 challenges makes a plan.When you’ve taken a big number of unhealthy chemicals, especially those that your body can’t easily clear on its own, a detox diet plan can be an excellent reset.


Getting children to eat healthy foods can sometimes feel like fighting an uphill battle.The leafier and greener the food, the greater the struggle. Child nutrition is incredibly important. Don’t cave in and let them eat nothing but fast food and sweets. It’s worth the struggle. Nutrition is important at every age. Your children need proper nutrients to stay healthy and strong. Nutrition for children can also help establish a foundation for healthy eating habits and nutritional knowledge that your child can apply throughout life. The aim of this programme is

* To develop healthy eating habits in children.
* To meet their daily dietary needs.
* To develop healthy packing option for mother’s.

Our team


Dt. Misha Bansal

B.Sc, M.Sc (Nutritionist & Dietetics)