Opening Hours : Mon to Sat - 9am to 9pm / Sun - Closed

Summer Skin Problems & Solutions

What are the common skin problems that occur in summer and what are their solutions?

  • Your skin may witness major damage during summer. The harsh sun rays and the pollution are the main causes of skin problems during this time.
  • Excessive exposure to sun rays can also cause sunburns which if left untreated can result in skin pigmentation.
  • Mentioned below are some common skin problems occurring during summer that need the attention of a professional skin specialist.

Dry and Frizzy Hair

Due to high humidity, the hair becomes dry and frizzy which causes major damage to the hair cuticle.

Sun Tan

Skin Problem -Sun Tan and its solution:

As a result of constant exposure to the sun, the skin tans which can lead to the development of redness on the skin and skin peeling.


Summer Skin Problems & Solutions- Acne and It’s Solutions:

Since you sweat more in summer season than other times of the year, the sebaceous glands tend to produce more sebum or oil. Due to this, the pores get clogged resulting in acne formation.

Polymorphic Light Eruption

Skin Problem- Polymorphic Light Eruption And It’s Solution:

Overexposure to sunlight can lead to a photo-allergic reaction, which is termed as polymorphic light eruption causing patchy skin, pigmentation and skin tanning.


Skin Problems- Folliculitis:

The hair grows out of an opening which is known as a follicle. An infected follicle can result in folliculitis which look like pimples.

Prickly Heat

Skin Problem- Prickly Heat and It’s Solutions:

This skin condition occurs due to blocked sweat glands which do not let the sweat to release from the skin. As a result, it keeps accumulating under the skin resulting in development of tiny rashes and bumps. As these rashes burst and release sweat, it gives a prickly sensation.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Summer Skin Problems?

Excessive exposure to sun rays can also cause sunburns which if left untreated can result in skin pigmentation.

Give name of different summer skin problems?

  • Dry and Frizzy Hair
  • Sun Tan
  • Acne
  • Polymorphic Light Eruption
  • Prickly Heat
  • Folliculitis

What is Sun Tan?

As a result of constant exposure to the sun, the skin tans which can lead to the development of redness on the skin and skin peeling.

What is Folliculitis?

The hair grows out of an opening which is known as a follicle. An infected follicle can result in folliculitis which look like pimples.

What is the meaning of Prickly Heat?

This skin condition occurs due to blocked sweat glands which do not let the sweat to release from the skin. As a result, it keeps accumulating under the skin resulting in development of tiny rashes and bumps. As these rashes burst and release sweat, it gives a prickly sensation.
