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Psychiatric Terminology

There are various kind of Psychiatric Terminology, which are described below. Moreover, terms of psychiatry are given alphabetically.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “A”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “A”:

Abnormal Personality:

A personality with trait which deviate markedly from what is generally accepted as normal. Additionally, This deviation is quantitative one.


In detail, A temporary loss of consciousness due epilepsy without any convulsive phenomena.


A sudden accentuation of emotion, which is intense, does not last long also is often reactive.

Affective disorder:

illness in which the central symptom is disturbance of affect.


Fear especially of going to an open space.


An unpleasant feeling of restlessness accompanied by over activity, which is produced specifically by phenothiazine.


In brief, A loss of memory.

Anorexia nervosa:

A complete loss of appetite in adolescent or young adult females, associate with overactivity, the cessation of menstruation, also fine downy hair over the back.


An unpleasant affective state with the expectation but not the certainty of something unpleasant happening.

Anxiety state:

A psychogenic reaction in which a normal person is reacting to either severe stress or an abnormal person is reacting to mild stress. Moreover, Marked anxiety may be presenting symptom in depression, in schizophrenia or in organic state.


A central disorder of speech in which the necessary pathways to also from the brain are not disordered.


Loss of ability to phonate, so that the subject can only whisper.


Either A sensation or other psychological phenomena, which occurs immediately before the onset of an epileptic seizure fit.


A turning away from reality also excessive indulgence in fantasy thinking.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “B”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “B”:

Belle Indifference:

Bland indifference in the presence of a vehement conversion reaction.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “C”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “C”:


In detail, A sudden loss of all power of movement also loss of all muscle tone without loss of consciousness. Additionally, This is often associated with narcolepsy.


A variety of schizophrenia where the prominent symptom are disorder of motor behaviour.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “D”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “D”:


In detail, An acute organic psychiatric state in which consciousness is changed in a dream like state.


An unshakeable false belief, which is not shared by the patient’s educational, cultural also social background.


A permanent loss of intellectual functions due to coarse brain diseases.


The subjective experience of a change in the personality whereby it seems unable to make contact with the outside world.


The subjective experience of unreality of the environment, although the subject knows that it is real.

Drug Addiction:

A psychological or physical dependence on the effects of a drug, which leads to an overpowering need for the drug also to obtaining it by any means.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “E”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “E”:


A state of exaltation, which can see in epileptic, schizophrenia also in abnormal personality.


Freud used this term for that part of the mind whose contents are potentially conscious also which balances the demand made by the real world the superego also the id.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “F”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “F”:


A wandering states which may occurring in hysteria, depression also epilepsy.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “H”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “H”:


A hallucination a percept experience in the absence of an external stimulus to the sense organs, and with a similar quality to true percept. In detail, A hallucination experience as originating in the outside world (within one’s own body) like a percept, and not within the mind like imaginary.


Excessive anxiety about one’s health.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “I”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “I”:


The unorganized, instinctual, unconscious part of the mind.


Illusions are misperception in presence of external stimuli.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “O”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “O”:


Obsessions are recurrent, persistence thoughts, impulses or images that enter the mind in spite of the person’s effort to resist it.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “P”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “P”:


A phobia is a persistent irrational morbid fear of also wish to avoid a specific object, activity and situation. Additionally, It occurs out of proportion of real danger.

Primary delusion:

A delusion which occurs all on a sudden, out of the blue, fully firm and convicted and which cannot derive from some other events.

Primary gain:

When a conflict partly solve by the production of a vehement conversion symptom there is some relief from anxiety, so that there is a primary gain from the vehement illness.

Psychogenic reaction:

In brief, A reaction of an individual to psychological trauma.

Psychosomatic disorder:

In detail, The disorder in which psychological factors appears to play an important part in producing and continuing the diseases.


States in which the patient contact with reality there is a tendency toward the more bizarre manifestation of psychiatric disturbances.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “R”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “R”:

Reactive depression:

A state of unhappiness, which has, occurs as a response of some psychological trauma.

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “S”

Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “S”:


A state of motor inactivity usually associated with mutism or diminished verbal response.


The part of the mind, which imposes the moral censorship on the ego.


Frequently Asked Questions

What does psychological terminology mean?

There are various kind of Psychiatric Terminology, which are described below. Furthermore, terms of psychiatry are given alphabetically.

What are the terms used in psychiatry?

  • Agoraphobia
  • Akathisia
  • Aphonia
  • Dementia
  • Ego
  • Hypochondriasis
  • Obsession
  • Superego

What is phobia?

A phobia is a persistent irrational morbid fear of also wish to avoid a specific object, activity and situation. In detail, It occurs out of proportion of real danger.

What is catatonia?

A variety of schizophrenia where the prominent symptom are disorder of motor behaviour.
