Psychiatric Terminology start with alphabet “A”:
Abnormal Personality:
A personality with trait which deviate markedly from what is generally accepted as normal. Additionally, This deviation is quantitative one.
In detail, A temporary loss of consciousness due epilepsy without any convulsive phenomena.
A sudden accentuation of emotion, which is intense, does not last long also is often reactive.
Affective disorder:
illness in which the central symptom is disturbance of affect.
Fear especially of going to an open space.
An unpleasant feeling of restlessness accompanied by over activity, which is produced specifically by phenothiazine.
In brief, A loss of memory.
Anorexia nervosa:
A complete loss of appetite in adolescent or young adult females, associate with overactivity, the cessation of menstruation, also fine downy hair over the back.
An unpleasant affective state with the expectation but not the certainty of something unpleasant happening.
Anxiety state:
A psychogenic reaction in which a normal person is reacting to either severe stress or an abnormal person is reacting to mild stress. Moreover, Marked anxiety may be presenting symptom in depression, in schizophrenia or in organic state.
A central disorder of speech in which the necessary pathways to also from the brain are not disordered.
Loss of ability to phonate, so that the subject can only whisper.
Either A sensation or other psychological phenomena, which occurs immediately before the onset of an epileptic seizure fit.
A turning away from reality also excessive indulgence in fantasy thinking.