Sign & Symptoms of Organic Catatonic Disorder
1. Mutism i.e.:
In brief; Complete absence of speech.
2. Rigidity i.e.:
Maintenance of a rigid posture against efforts to be moved.
3. Negativism i.e.:
An apparently motiveless resistance to all commands and attempts either to be moved, or doing just the opposite.
4. Posturing i.e.:
Voluntary assumption of an inappropriate also often bizarre posture for long periods of time.
5. Stupor i.e.:
Akinesis (no movement) with mutism but with evidence of relative preservation of conscious awareness.
6. Echolalia i.e.:
Repetition, echo or mimic king of either phrases or words heard.
7. Echopraxia i.e.:
Repetition, echo or mimic king of actions observed.
8. Waxy flexibility i.e.:
In detail; Parts of body can be placed in positions that will be maintained for long periods of time, even if very uncomfortable; flexible like wax.
9. Ambitendency i.e.:
Due to ambivalence, conflicting impulses and tentative actions are made, but no goal directed action occurs, e.g. on asking to take out tongue, tongue is slightly protruded but taken back again
10. Other signs i.e.:
Such as mannerisms, stereotypies (verbal also behavioural), automatic obedience (commands are followed automatically, irrespective of their nature) and verbigeration (incomprehensible speech). [1]