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Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)


ODD is a condition in which a child displays an ongoing pattern of an angry or irritable mood, defiant or argumentative behavior, also vindictiveness toward people in authority. [2]


Children may express their defiance by arguing, disobeying, or talking back to their parents, either teachers, or other adults.

When this behavior lasts longer than six months and is excessive compared to what is usual for the child’s age, it may mean that the child has a type of behavior disorder called oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

Many children and teens with ODD also have other behavioral problems, such as attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, mood disorders (such as depression), and anxiety disorders. [2]

Such behaviour can land the child in serious trouble especially, when he behaves this way outside home and with authoritative people. He may disobey everyone and may question rules also regulations.

Overall; He refrains from taking responsibility of his mistakes and blames others. [1]

Sign & Symptoms

The signs and symptoms of ODD will vary from person to person.

There may also be a significant difference in how the symptoms present themselves in boys as opposed to how they are presented in girls.

The following are some examples of signs and symptoms that may be evidence that a child is struggling with oppositional defiant disorder:

Behavioral symptoms i.e.:

  • Either easily losing one’s temper or throwing repeated temper tantrums
  • Arguing
  • Fighting
  • Refusing to follow rules
  • Deliberately acting in a way that will annoy others
  • Blaming others
  • Blatant hostility towards others
  • Being unwilling to either compromise or negotiate
  • Willingly destroying friendships
  • Being spiteful also seeking revenge
  • Blatant also repeated disobedience

Cognitive symptoms i.e.:

  • Frequent frustration
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Failure to “think before speaking”

Psychosocial symptoms i.e.:

  • Difficulty making friends
  • Loss of self-esteem
  • Persistent negativity
  • Consistent feelings of annoyance [4]


Genetics i.e.:

ODD can be due to genetic causes leading to some neurobiological changes in brain.  It is common for children who are diagnosed with ODD to have family members who also suffer from various mental illnesses. Such illnesses can include mood disorders, personality disorders, and anxiety disorders.

Way of Upbringing i.e.:

Lack of proper parental supervision, discipline, child abuse or child neglect can also cause ODD in children.

Emotional factor:

Child who has witnessed parental separation or divorce or constant fights between parents can also develop ODD. Those kids whose parents are addicted to any substance (substance abuse) are also at risk.

Prenatal factors:

Certain pregnancy and birth problems are also linked with ODD. Malnutrition, protein deficiency, lead poisoning, use of alcohol or nicotine by mother during pregnancy are also linked with ODD, although, it is not proved. [1]

Risk Factors

There are some common factors:

  • Familial discord
  • Dysfunctional home life
  • Exposure to violence
  • History of mental illness within the family
  • Exposure to substance abuse
  • Inconsistent parenting (inconsistent discipline, inconsistent interaction, etc.)
  • Abuse / neglect [4]


Complication of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Children and teenagers with oppositional defiant disorder may have trouble at home with parents and siblings, in school with teachers, and at work with supervisors and other authority figures.

Children with ODD may struggle to make and keep friends and relationships.

ODD may lead to problems such as:

  • Poor school and work performance
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Impulse control problems
  • Substance use disorder
  • Suicide

Many children and teens with ODD also have other mental health disorders, such as:

  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Conduct disorder
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Learning and communication disorders

Treating these other mental health disorders may help improve ODD symptoms.


ODD often occurs along with other behavioral or mental health problems, symptoms of ODD may be difficult to distinguish from those related to other problems.

Your child’s evaluation will likely include an assessment of:

  • Overall health
  • Frequency and intensity of behaviors
  • Emotions and behavior across multiple settings and relationships
  • Family situations and interactions
  • Strategies that have been helpful or not helpful in managing problem behaviors
  • Presence of other mental health, learning or communication disorders [3]


Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

Oppositional defiant disorder treatment primarily involves family-based interventions, but it may include other types of psychotherapy and training for your child as well as for parents.

Treatment often lasts several months or longer. It’s important to treat any co-occurring problems, such as a learning disorder, because they can create or worsen ODD symptoms if left untreated.

The cornerstones of treatment for ODD usually include:

Parent training:

  • A mental health professional with experience treating ODD may help you develop parenting skills that are more consistent, positive and less frustrating for you and your child.
  • In some cases, your child may participate in this training with you, so everyone in your family develops shared goals for how to handle problems.
  • Involving other authority figures, such as teachers, in the training may be an important part of treatment.

Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT):

  • During PCIT, a therapist coaches parents while they interact with their child.
  • In one approach, the therapist sits behind a one-way mirror and, using an “ear bug” audio device, guides parents through strategies that reinforce their child’s positive behavior.
  • As a result, parents learn more-effective parenting techniques, the quality of the parent-child relationship improves, and problem behaviors decrease.

Individual and family therapy:

  • Individual therapy for your child may help him or her learn to manage anger and express feelings in a healthier way.
  • Family therapy may help improve your communication and relationships and help members of your family learn how to work together.

Cognitive problem-solving training:

  • This type of therapy is aimed at helping your child identify and change thought patterns that lead to behavior problems.
  • Collaborative problem-solving in which you and your child work together to come up with solutions that work for both of you can help improve ODD-related problems.

Social skills training:

  • Your child may also benefit from therapy that will help him or her be more flexible and learn how to interact more positively and effectively with peers. [3]

Diet & Regimen

Some diet regulations of Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD):

  • Consider fresh, homemade also organic foods for kids.
  • Provide balanced meals to kids, which must include daily portions of vegetables and fruits.
  • Furthermore; Fresh green vegetables help to keep mind calm.
  • Try interesting colorful recipes for kids to make them eat green vegetables.
  • Drink sufficient quantity of water daily.
  • Do not take foods containing addictive, artificial colors, and preservatives.
  • Avoid ready to eat foods, packaged or frozen foods, candies, lollies.
  • Lastly; Avoid excess of junk foods in kid’s diet. [1]

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment for ODD is  natural, safe and without any side-effects, and one can enjoy immense relief from these frustrating symptoms.

It is a patient-oriented science and medicines are prescribed on the characteristics of the individual rather than just the symptoms of the disease.

Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment of ODD include:


  • Effective remedy especially for irritable & restless kids who are big, fat, and are always hungry.
  • Child is very cross, petulant also dissatisfied with everything.
  • Child hates if, he is touched, carried or rocked.
  • besides this; Desire many things but immediately rejects when offered.
  • Distressed also uneasy always.
  • All in all, Bores his face in mother’s lap always and cries.

Natrum Muriaticum:

  • Excellent remedy specifically; for abusive, weepy, brooding and irritable kids who crave salt.
  • Especially; Suits thin, poorly nourished kids who are very thirsty.
  • There is tendency to take cold.
  • Symptoms increase typically from 9-11 am also under Sunlight.
  • In detail; Do not like sympathy.
  • Hate person who offends him.
  • Lastly; Hasty behaviour, things drops down from hands.

Antimonium Crudum:

  • Well indicated medicine for kids suffering from excessive anger and specifically who are very much abusive.
  • Moreover; Irritable child who refrains from speaking.
  • Child is mentally crude also has great appetite.
  • Additionally; Suits kids who get angry without cause and have tendency to be fat.
  • Children cry especially when either touched or washed.
  • Angry at every little attention.

Homeopathic treatment for ODD offers a minimum of 50 remedies.

Anger:Children, In for example: (37)

3 Acon3 Anac3 Ant-t, 1 Arn, 1 Bac, 1 Bell, 3 Bry3 Caps, 1 Carb-v, 1 Carc, 4 CHAM, 1 Cic, 1 Cina, 1 Cupr, 1 Dros, 1 Hep, 2 Hoch, 1 Ip, 1 Kali-c, 1 Kali-s, 1 Kreos, 2 Lyc, 1 Med, 1 Op, 3 Phos, 1 Plac, 2 Plut, 1 Sanic, 1 Scorp, 1 Sil, 1 Staph, 1 Stram, 1 Syph, 3 Ter3 Tub, 1 Tub-k

Disobedient, Children for example: (8)

2 Calc-p, 1 Cham, 2 Chin2 Cina, 1 Med, 1 Thuj, 2 Tub, 1 Verat

Anger:Temper Tantrums for example: (77)

1 Acon, 1 Aml-n, 1 Anac, 3 Ant-t, 1 Astac, 3 Aur, 1 Aur-m-n, 3 Bar-c, 1 Bar-s, 1 Bell, 1 Bor, 1 Bufo, 1 Calc, 1 Calcul-b, 1 Canth, 1 Carc, 1 Carn-g, 1 Caust, 1 Cere-s, 1 Cham, 1 Chel, 1 Cic, 1 Cina, 1 Cocc, 1 Coli, 1 Cupr, 1 Cupr-acet, 1 Dpt, 1 Gado-n, 1 Germ, 1 Glon, 1 Heli, 1 Hep, 1 Holm-m, 1 Hyos, 1 Lac-drom, 1 Lach, 1 Lant-c, 3 Lon-p, 1 Luna, 1 Lyss, 2 Mag-c, 1 Mag-m, 1 Melal-l,

1 Mez, 1 Morg, 1 Mosch, 1 Nat-c, 3 Nat-m3 Nux-v, 1 Olnd, 3 Petr3 Phos, 1 Plat, 1 Plut, 2 Prot, 1 Puls, 1 Sac-alb, 1 Scorp, 3 Seneg, 1 Sep, 1 Sil, 3 Stann3 Staph, 1 Stram, 3 Stront-c, 1 Sulph, 1 Syc-co, 1 Syph, 1 Tarent, 1 Tell, 3 Ter, 1 Terb-o, 3 Thuj, 1 Thul, 3 Thyr 3 Tub [1]


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

ODD is a condition in which a child displays an ongoing pattern of an angry or irritable mood, defiant or argumentative behavior, also vindictiveness toward people in authority.

Homeopathic Medicines used by Homeopathic Doctors in treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

  • Cina
  • Natrum Muriaticum
  • Antimonium Crudum
  • Phosphorus
  • Thuja
  • Thyroidinum
  • Staphysagria

What causes Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

  • Genetics
  • Lack of proper parental supervision, discipline, child abuse
  • Emotional factor
  • Prenatal factors

What are the symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

  • Easily losing one’s temper / throwing repeated temper tantrums
  • Arguing
  • Fighting
  • Refusing to follow rules
  • Deliberately acting in a way that will annoy others
  • Blaming others
  • Frequent frustration
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Failure to “think before speaking”

