Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy has excellent success rate in this treatment. Homeopathy will consider entire symptoms of your child whether related or not to learning disabilities also will treat him or her constitutionally.
With effective homeopathic treatment for learning Disabilities, you will notice concrete changes such as the following i.e.:
- Improved confidence level in child.
- Better academic performance.
- Reduced levels of frustration also helplessness in your child.
- Distinct change in your child’s learning skills.
- Handwriting will become more legible with less spelling mistakes.
- Gradually your child will enjoy reading, writing also solving mathematics problems.
- Better development of social and interpersonal skills in kids.
Moreover, Homoeopathic treatment for Learning Disabilities also helps in preventing the relapse of the condition. Homoeopathic treatment for Learning Disabilities provides complete holistic wellbeing to the patient and assists recovery in the safest and most natural way. [3]
Homeopathic treatment for Learning Disabilities is natural, safe and without any side-effects. It is a patient-oriented science with vast range of medicines to treat Learning Disorder efficiently.
Few of our amazing remedies in Homeopathic treatment for learning disabilities include:
Excellent remedy especially for Learning Disorder in shy and timid kids who are greatly averse to meet strangers. Associated poor memory. They have great fear of giving wrong answer. They are less mature and look lost. Confusion is mark. Also they have tendency to take cold easily.
Generally, great remedy for kids who are apprehensive and forgetful. In detail, They are bad towards evening. These kids are obstinate and slow. Milestones are delay. Lastly, Such children usually have craving for indigestible things like chalk, coal etc. They like eggs, salt also sweets.
Suits effectively children with Learning Disorder who are tall, lean with little energy. They are forgetful, frustrat and suffers from difficult dentition. They crave non-vegetarian food especially meats.
Have a look at some of the remedies used for the homeopathic treatment for learning disability. [3]
The remedy abbreviations with,
- 4 marks- most effective,
- 3 marks- quite effective,
- 2 marks- less effective,
- 1 mark- least effective.
LEARNING: Difficult: 1Acon, 1Aeth, 4AGAR, 1Agn, 1Aids, 1Alch, 1Ambr, 3Anac, 1Androc, 1Aq-mar, 3Ars, 1Ars-i, 3Asar, 4BAR-C, 3Calad, 1Calc, 1Calc-p, 1Canth, 1Caps, 1Carb-ac, 1Carb-v, 1Carc, 1Caust, 1Cham, 1Chap, 1Choc, 4COCC, 1Colch, 1Con, 1Cycl, 1Dpt, 1Euon,3Excr-can, 1Falco-p, 3Gels, 1Hell, 1Hep, 2Hoch, 1Hydrog, 1Ign, 1Joan, 3Kali-c, 1Kali-p, 1Kali-sil, 1Lyc, 1M-arct, 1Mag-p, 1Merc, 1Mez, 3Mur-ac, 1Nat-c, 1Nat-m, 3Nit-ac, 1Nux-m, 3Olnd, 1Op, 1Ph-ac, 1Phol-p, 3Phos, 1Phyt, 1Pter-a, 4PULS, 3Ran-b, 1Rhus-t, 1Sars, 4SEP, 1Sil, 2Sol,4STANN, 3Staph, 1Stram, 3Sulph, 1Tanac, 1Tax-br, 1Teg-a, 1Thuj, 1Thul, 1Toxo, 1Tung, 1Uran, 4ZINC,3Zing
LEARNING, DISABILITIES, STUDYING, READING: Understanding, difficult: 1Agn, 2Ail, 1Alum, 2Anac, 2Bapt, 3Bar-c, 3Carc, 1Cocc, 2Gels, 2Hell, 1Kali-p, 1Lyc, 1Nat-c, 2Nux-m, 1Olnd, 2Op, 2Ph-ac, 1Phos, 1Plb, 1Xero,2Zinc
MATHEMATICS,CALCULATING: Inept for: 1Acon-f, 4AIL, 1Alco, 2Alum, 3Am-c, 3Ambr,2Amet, 1Anh, 1Arb-m, 1Arg-s, 1Aur, 1Bell, 1Calc, 1Cand-a, 1Carb-v, 1Caust, 1Chin-s, 1Chlam-t, 1Cocain, 1Con, 3Crot-h, 1Graph, 3Lac-eq, 2Lac-h, 1Lac-m, 1Lach, 1Lamp-c, 2Lyc,3Merc, 1Mosch, 1Nat-c, 1Nat-m, 4NUX-V, 1Ph-ac, 1Plb, 1Psil-s, 3Psor, 1Rhus-t, 1Sop-m, 1Staph, 3Sumb, 1Syph, 1Tax, 1Thal-s, 3Thuj, 1Tung, 1Unc-t [3]