Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This the only way through which a state of complete health can regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available in treatment for cold that can select on the basis of cause, condition, sensation and modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. Some important remedies give below in treatment for covid 19:Aconite, Bryonia, Belladonna, Hepar sulph, Arsenic album, Ipecac, Ammonium carb, Aurum triph, Kali carb, Kali bichromicum, Phosphorous, Merc solubilis, Gelsemium, Rhus tox, Natrum mur, Calcarea carb, Ocillococcinum, Influenzinum, and many other medicines.[4]
Arsenic Album
This remedy corresponds to the trial form of influenza. It covers more phases of grippe than perhaps any other remedy. Hughes believes that it will cut short an attack, especially when there is a copious flow, prostration and paroxysmal coryza. Its periodicity makes it suitable to epidemics, and it suits the early symptoms when the affection is in the upper portion of the respiratory tract. The burning dryness and copious watery excoriating secretion and the involvement of the conjunctiva are unmistakable indications. Langour and prostration are prominent symptoms. Arsenicum iodide. Chills, flushes of heat and severe fluent coryza, discharge irritating and corrosive, sneezing and prostration. It corresponds to true influenza and is highly recommended.
Homeopathic medicines for common cold having coryza caused by cold, dry winds; first with violent headache Roaring in ears, in the earlier stage Feverish with dryness in the nostrils, sleeplessness; heat and sense of fullness in nares
high fever, red face, cold extremities, throbbing pains, patient radiates heat. Skin hot, dry with high temperature Throbbing headache, very thirsty or not thirsty, sore throat on right side Eyes glassy Eyes dilated. Delirious in high fever
dry barking cough
desires lemons or lemonade
Homeopathic medicine for common cold having severe dry coryza with catarrh of the frontal and maxillary cavities
Fluent coryza, beginning with violent and frequent sneezing, accompanied by stitching headache when stooping Nose blocked with congestion in the head
Hoarseness and altered tone of voice
Profuse nose bleed; catarrh extending to chest
Insidious onset of cold with marked body ache and prostration.
Dullness and drowsiness are marked.
Muscle’s sore all over body so that sneezing forces him to support chest
Fluent coryza with frequent sneezing and dropping of a clear, hot water
Inner nose red, swollen, interfering with breathing, amelioration in cool room and open air.
Eupatorium perf.
Coryza, with aching in every bone, and lassitude
Fluent coryza with sneezing and hoarseness
Weight overhead and forehead
Nose and eyes both streaming with water at intervals.[4]
Homeopathic medicines for common cold having alternately dry and fluent coryza with every fresh cold
Stoppage and acrid discharge from nose
Frequent but ineffectual sneezing; makes inner nose sore and bloody
Dryness of throat, rough cough
Itching in Eustachian tube; frequent sneezing, especially in cold air
Frequent chilliness, even while taking exercise; cold nose
Acute or chronic coryza.
Acute and chronic rhino-pharyngitis, Nasal congestion.
Coryza of influenza, sinusitis, nasal polyps, chronic atrophic rhinitis
Dry painful cough, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia of influenza
This generally prevents the spread of the trouble and clears up the colds, whether they are influenza or not.[4]
Phosphorus [Phos]
It is “the great mogul of lobar pneumonia.” It should remember that Phosphorus is not, like Bryonia, the remedy when the lungs completely hepatize, although it is one of the few drugs which have known to produce hepatization.
When bronchial symptoms are present it is the remedy, and cerebral symptoms during pneumonia often yield better to Phosphorus than to Belladonna.
There is cough; with pain under sternum, as if something torn loose; additionally there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there mucous rales, labored breathing, sputa yellowish mucus, with blood streaks therein, or rustcolored, as under Bryonia. Besides this, After Phosphorus, Hepar Sulphur. naturally follows as the exudate begins to often; it is the remedy of the third stage, the fever is; of a low character. Tuberculinum.
Other symptoms
Arnulphy says that in lobular pneumonia this remedy surpasses Phosphorus or Antimonium tartaricum, and competent observers convince that it has an important place in the treatment of pneumonia; some using it in very case intercurrently; doses varying from 6x to 30x. When typhoid symptoms occur in the course of pneumonia then Phosphorus will come in beautifully. Phosphorus follows Bryonia well, being complementary to it.
Lastly, There is also a sensation as if the chest were full of blood, which causes an oppression; of breathing, a symptom met with commonly enough in pneumonia.
Carbo Vagetabilis
In case of infection, individualized treatment by a licensed homeopath is recommended.
Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun
Prof. Aaron To Ka Lun (PDHom, MARH), president of the Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy has gathered data from 30 homeopaths and tentatively speculated on a few possible genus epidemicus remedies: Gelsemium, Bryonia and Eupatorium perf.
Dr. Paul Herscu
In terms of the larger remedies, Dr. Paul Herscu has found that the main effective homeopathic remedies have been, in order of likelihood: Sulphur, Lycopodium, Bryonia, and then less likely Phosphorus, and Arsenicum album. By far, at this moment, he has found that the most common remedy is Sulphur. The more acute remedy seems to be Bryonia.
Dr. Bhatia
Dr. Bhatia believes that the remedy that covers the initial symptoms better is Bryonia alba; and that this remedy will work well as prophylactic too. He also believes that the remedy that covers the later symptoms best is Lycopodium and could expect to help a large majority of people who develop Pneumonia.
Amma Resonance Healing Foundation’s
Amma Resonance Healing Foundation’s current remedy recommendations are Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Gelsemium and Eupatorium perfoliatum (ordered in likelihood of being called for).
Dr. Massimo Mangialavori
As of March 22, 2020, Dr. Massimo Mangialavori has treated 84 patients. His first choice is Chininum muriaticum, followed by Grindelia robusta and thirdly Camphora.
Dr. Rajan Sankaran
In consultation with his teacher, Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Iranian homeopath Dr Aditya Kasariyans has treated coronavirus patients successfully using Camphora 1M.
Jeremy Sherr
As of March 28, 2020, Jeremy Sherr has successful treated also supervised over 200 confirmed COVID-19 cases from around the world, and has had no fatalities. For treatment, Jeremy Sherr recommends giving Aconite at the very first signs of illness. Ant tart (stage 2, 3) has been his most useful remedy. The next most useful remedies used in his practice have been Phosphorus (stage 1, 2), Phosphoric Acid (stage 2) also Bryonia (all stages), Arsenicum (stage 1) and Mercurius (stage 1). Besides this, Other remedies that may prove useful include Gelsemium, Croton tig, Spigelia, Kali bi, Pyrogen, Ars-i and Ant-ars.
Dr. Robin Murphy
Dr. Robin Murphy recommends giving Gelsemium, Arsenicum, or Camphora during the first stage of the illness. He recommends Aconite, Belladonna or Ferrum Phos for mild coronavirus infections. Arsenicum, Bryonia and Gelsemium have been Dr. Murphy’s top remedies during this pandemic. Other remedies that may prove useful include Bapt, China, Drosera, Eup per, Oscillo, Merc, Pyrogen, Rhus tox, and Pulsatilla.
Dr. Andre Saine
Dr. Andre Saine feels that the better indicated remedies for the current COVID-19 pandemic are Bryonia, Beryllium metallicum, Gelsemium, Eupatorium perfoliatum, Camphora, Lobelia purpurescens, and Arsenicum. Other useful remedies (though this list is not exhaustive) include Ammonium mur, Mag mur, Carbo veg, Bapt, Cuprum met, Ferrum phos, Rhus Tox, Sabadilla, Sambucus, and Sanguinaria.
Sally Fallon of the Weston A Price Foundation
For dietary advice on how to protect oneself from any virus (including coronavirus), Sally Fallon of the Weston A Price Foundation has written two excellent articles: How To Protect Yourself From Coronavirus (Or Any Virus)
as well as another article that follows up on her earlier one: More on Coronavirus
Dr. Amy Rothenberg’s
For more lifestyle and supplement advice about keeping one’s immune system in optimal condition, please refer to Dr. Amy Rothenberg’s latest article: COVID-19 Thoughts and Recommendations: April 1, 2020
This article is a compilation of homeopathic professionals’ experiences with treating their patients with individually selected homeopathic remedies. This article is not intend as medical advice.