Homeopathic Treatment for Prostate Problems
Homeopathy is a safe and natural alternative and plays a vital role in reducing the size of the prostate if administered timely.
This line of treatment can be taken alone when the symptoms are mild to moderate, and along with any other alternative treatment when the symptoms are severe. Homeopathic medicines have no side effects or contraindications and can benefit most individuals if started timely.[4]
HRD’s Homeopathic treatment is offered only to the following individuals:
- Individuals having no strong indication for surgery, ascertained by the severity of complaints and clinical examination by your physician
- Recently diagnosed cases or those with infrequent and/or mild to moderated symptoms
- Patients refusing surgery or cannot be operated on due to other medical conditions
Mild to moderate symptoms of urinary retention, increased frequency at night and a weak stream should strongly consider homeopathic treatment for duration of 4-6 months.
Homoeopathic Approach
- Homeopathic remedies having anti-tumorproperties are prescribed.
- The prescribed remedy helps in: reducing the sizeof the enlarged Prostate, counteracts infection in the urinary tract and improves sphincter control.
- The treatment outcome does depend on the extent of prostatic hypertrophy. Individuals experiencing mild symptoms with marginal hypertrophy experience greater reliefas compared to chronic, advanced cases with severe retention.[4]
Homoeopathic Medicines
Aconite nep [Acon]
Prostatitis with great urging to urinate and great pain during micturition, or where in milder cases there is great pain in walking, especially down stairs.
Aesculus Hip [Ascu]
Desire to urinate often, but passes little at a time, scanty and dark-yellow, with scalding in passing through the urethra, some- times deep-red, with strong odor; amorous dreams and seminal emissions; blind piles, with shooting pains up back.[3]
Agnus Castus
When pressing at stool, discharge of prostatic fluid; pollutions from irritable weakness with prostatorrhoea; red, turbid urine, with burning and pressure in urethra.
Sensation as if a plug were wedged between symphysis and coccyx, pressing downward; incontinence of urine from enlarged prostate; intense pain and soreness in rectum after stool with protrusion of piles, (<) from touch and temporarily (>) by cold water.
Apis Mell
Excessive pain in vesical region, frequent desire and pressing down in region of sphincter, not only during day, but has to get up often at night; AGONY IN PASSING URINE; retention of urine or dark, scanty urine.
Baryta Carb
HYPERTROPHY OF PROSTATE; after urinating renewed straining with dribbling of urine; numbness in genitals for several minutes; frequent micturition, no stool, in old men.
PULSATIONS IN PERINEUM; after passing a few drops pain in urethra, bladder and spasms in rectum, with renewed desire; must pass water every few minutes at night with extremely painful pressing and urging; additionally chronic prostatitis; contraction of sphincter, with excoriating serous discharge from anus.[3]
Sensation of swelling in perineum, as if on sitting down a ball were pressing against it; inability to urinate without standing with the feet wide apart and the body inclined forward. ACUTE PROSTATITIS from sitting on a cold damp stone, excessive itching and painful irritation of urethra from the end of penis to neck of bladder, which dysuria may increase to complete retention from swelling of prostate; great quantities of thick, ropy, bloody mucus in urine; prostatic disease with waste of prostatic fluid.
INDURATION OF PROSTATE, in old men, with no increase in size or slight augmentation with extreme hardness; burning and sensation of dryness in region of prostate gland and in urethra, with great pain while urinating, urine emitted by drops; mucous discharge from bowels with much rumbling and rolling in abdomen.
Prostatic troubles, with stitches and pressure, urging to stool and micturition; in and near anus and in perineum drawing- pressing pain, as from subcutaneous ulceration of a small spot, while walking or sitting; frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharge; while urinating, pricking pain at the end of the urethra.
HYPERTROPHY OF PROSTATE, CARDIAC SYMPTOMS MARKED; dribbling discharge of urine and continued fullness after micturition or fruitless effort to urinate; throbbing pain in region of neck of bladder during the straining efforts to pass water; increased desire to urinate after a few drops have passed, causing the old man to walk about in distress though motion increases desire to urinate; frequent desire to defaecate at the same time; very small, soft stool passed without relief, urine pale, slightly cloudy, looking smoky.
Kali Bichrom
STITCHES IN PROSTATE when walking, must stand still; prostatic fluid escapes at stool; painful drawing from perineum into urethra; after micturition burning in back part of urethra as if a drop had remained, with unsuccessful effort to pass it; stitches in urethra.
Magnesia Carb
DISCHARGE OF PROSTATIC FLUID WHEN PASSING FLATUS; involuntary urination while walking or rising from a seat.
Continued dull stitches in neck of bladder, with a pressure of urine, while lying upon his back; AFTER MICTURITION SPASMODIC PAINS IN NECK OF BLADDER, EXTENDING TO PELVIS AND THIGHS; prostatic troubles of older people, faeces flat, small in size.[3]
Prostatic juice oozes while sitting, during sleep, when walking and at stool; involuntary urination while walking, drips after stool or micturition; additionally stool hard also impacted that it requires mechanical aid; (<) in hot weather, after sleep, from anything which causes relaxation.
Frequent and copious urination; burning the whole length of urethra; frequent urging with scanty discharge of a thin stream of red-looking urine; urging as if bladder were not empty; In detail; discharge of dark urine by drops; pain extending from anus along urethra, coming on after either walking or riding.
Offensive sweat around genitals; stools hard, knotty, insufficient; urine foetid, with greasy-looking pellicle on it; painful desire, with discharge of bloody urine, requiring great effort; besides this; mucous discharge from urethra.
Syphilis and sycosis, especially suppressed or badly treated gonorrhoea; stitches in urethra from behind, also from rectum into bladder; rectal tenesmus, deep perineal pains; dysuria, retained urine; cutting at beginning of passing water, the pain descending the urethra to a point just above the external meatus; urine squirts either out or slowly drops; besides this scalding also cutting at the close of urination; stream interrupted several times before bladder is entirely emptied; frequent desire to urinate in the evening, (>) by lying down.
Sabal Serrulata: Sabal Serrulata is one of the most popular homeopathic medicines for prostate gland enlargement with many patients having consumed it reported great results. It works for most causes of prostate gland enlargement as well.[3]