The major theme of an organic mood disorder is that it has an effect on the mood and emotions of an individual.
These changes are caused by a physical problem with the brain. There are two main types of organic mood disorders – those that involve only depression for extended periods of time and those that involve going from depression to mania and back.
Many psychotherapy programs have been developed specifically to help with organic mood disorders. [3]
According to ICD-10 (F06.3), presence of prominent and persistent mood disturbance caused by an underlying organic cause is required for the diagnosis of organic mood disorder, in addition to the general guidelines for the diagnosis of other organic mental disorders, described earlier.
In detail; It is important to rule out any major disturbance of consciousness, orientation, or memory.
Besides this; The mood disturbance can be a major depressive episode, a wild episode, or a mixed affective episode. All in all; The severity may vary from mild to severe. [1]